Sunday Recap – June 27, 2010

By God’s grace, things went very well this morning at Bethel, and our teams did a great job!!

Cafe Connection
This was the third week of our new coffeehouse-style cafe video venue service. Today was the first day that I led worship in the service and I really leading in there.  There’s been a great response to this new service! We have a smaller, acoustic worship team lead worship, and then the message is sent to our Cafe from the sanctuary live via video feed. Our cafe includes bagels with cream cheese, coffee and juice.

“Meet With Me” (Lamont Hiebert)
– I pulled this one out of the drawer after a long time of not using it, but it’s a great song! We did the version by Ten Shekel Shirt.
“Glory To God Forever” (Steve Fee and Vicky Beeching)
– Since the Cafe is more of an acoustic setting, I would say our version was more in line with Vicky Beeching’s version on her new CD than Fee’s version. It was a nice change of pace for this song. Great both ways!

“Everlasting God” (Brenton Brown)
“God of Wonders” (Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong)
– Today was also a first for one of our young worship leaders, Zack.  I asked him to lead this song, and eventually by the end of the summer he’ll be leading a whole service in the Cafe. Way to go, Zack!

“Blessed Be Your Name” (Matt and Beth Redman)

Contemporary Services
It was kind of a tight squeeze to make it to this service after leading in the Cafe this morning, since I had to haul my keyboard from one room to another and get it set up, but we made it! The congregation was very responsive today in worship, which always is nice to see! With our new camera system installed now, we are also streaming our services live online. You can actually watch this service here. I have to apologize for the audio on the LiveStream. We’re still  working out the details on some of this stuff, and the mix is not the greatest on the video. It wasn’t that way in the house. Sorry…

“Meet With Me” (Lamont Hiebert)

“Everlasting God” (Brenton Brown)
“You Alone Can Rescue” (Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin)

“Your Love Never Fails” (Chris McClarney and Anthony Skinner)
– We introduced this song for the first time today during the offering. We did it in F, which is quite a bit lower than the original on the Jesus Culture CD, but it works well for congregational singing. What a great song!

“I Have A Hope” (Tommy Walker)
– Tommy Walker is one of my favorite song-writers, and this song was a great way to end the service.

Traditional Service
At the same time as our Cafe service at 8:00 am, we also have a Traditional Service in the sanctuary with hymns, organ and piano.  I usually lead this service, but now since the Cafe has started, I haven’t been in there the past few weeks, but we’ve had some great leaders step up and take the lead in this service, both up front and on the piano. You can watch this service here.

“Rejoice the Lord Is King”
“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty”
“He Hideth My Soul”
“Open My Eyes That I May See”
“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”

This recap is part of the Sunday Setlist site, where each week, worship leaders from around the country share their setlists and service details.  Check it out! Thanks!

Published by

Barry Westman

Barry Westman is the Worship Pastor at Bethel Church in Janesville, WI. He is also the Editor In Chief and Event Manager at Worship Team Training and Worship Team Training University. He is married to Tina, and has 3 rapidly growing children. 

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